K-SERIES KWAGKWAG are 3 leg guide with polished Stainless Steel frame and Alconite centre. the first totaly anti tangle free guide.Ideal for Carp, Spinning Sea rods etc.
matching tip guide MNAT sizes 50mm-12mm |
K-SERIES BKWAGBKWAG are 3 leg guides with black finish and Alconite centres. Ideal for Carp, Spinning , Sea rods etc.
Matching tip BMNAT, BFAT sizes 50mm-12mm |
K-SERIES KLAGKLAG are single Leg guides with Polished Stainless Steel Frame and Alconite centre.matching tip guide MNAT
sizes 40mm-8mm |
K-SERIES BKLAGBKLAG are single leg guides with Black frame and Alconite centre.
Matching tip guide BMNAT , BMGAT, BFAT. The "K" series concept guides are the first rod guides designed to "shed" tangles before they become a problem. sizes 40mm-8mm |
K-SERIES KWSGKWSG are 3 Leg Guides with Gunsmoke finish frame and SiC centre. Matching tip MNST , FST sizes 50mm-12mm |

KLSG are single Leg guides with Gunsmoke Frame and SiC centre.
Matching tip MNST , FST
sizes 40mm-8mm